On April 4th many people, those that are a part of D.U.E. Justice Coalition, Moral Monday CT, several Connecticut Unions and Faith based groups, including UU churches, met at the CT Legislative Offices to demand that Gov. Lamont & CT legislators pass MORAL BUDGET that will:
Ensure good jobs &
fair Wages
Protect vital public services
Fully fund Public Schools
Protect and expand quality, affordable health
Expand clean energy & protects the
Advance a shared prosperity for all
On May 20th we will once again stand in solidarity and urge our elected leaders to pass a MORAL BUDGET that supports all Connecticut residents and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share. Honoring the memory of The Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and fight for income equality in CT
Please join us 4p the Ct Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford. Let’s together address our concerns to all the legislators and the governor. This is your House: You are needed! See you at 4pm on May 20th at the LOB.