Discussion of “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo

Anti-Racism Discussion

Following the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, the concepts of “only bad people are racist” and “racism was reduced to simple extreme acts of racial prejudice,” like those seen in the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia’s ‘Unite the Right’ rally.  Therefore to suggest that a white person is a racist or is complicit with racism is to attack their character, thus one is likely to get a defensive reaction that DiAngelo refers to as “white fragility”, as the white person demands or manuvers to be validated as a ‘good person’.  Robin DiAngelo states that racism is a structure not an event.  White supremacy is an overarching political, economic and social system of domination based on racial categories that benefits those defined those defined and perceived as white. (p. 31)  Racism is a deeply embedded ideology of our culture.  Everything about it from our education to our use of money and where we live is has been dictated by this structure. Even if we wanted to we cannot escape its impact on us.  We must educate ourselves about and find ways to counter the culture within which we have gathered our experiences.  This is a lifelong experience of learning the truth and unlearning the lies.

Photo Show featuring our Sanctuary Guests: Sujitno & Dahlia

The exhibit is aimed at sharing the stories of families in sanctuary, while also creating and expanding educational conversations across the stat of CT regarding the struggles of immigrant families as they try to navigate through a broken and racist immigration systems.  Together we can create a more just world!  This Photo Show will be at UUCM on June 8 and 9, 2019.

Photo Show: Our Sanctuary Guests

A Moral Budget for Connecticut

On April 4th many people, those that are a part of D.U.E. Justice Coalition, Moral Monday CT, several Connecticut Unions and Faith based groups, including UU churches, met at the CT Legislative Offices to demand that Gov. Lamont & CT legislators pass MORAL BUDGET that will:

Ensure good jobs & fair Wages
Protect vital public services
Fully fund Public Schools
Protect and expand quality, affordable health care
Expand clean energy & protects the environment
Advance a shared prosperity for all

On May 20th we will once again stand in solidarity and urge our elected leaders to pass a MORAL BUDGET that supports all Connecticut residents and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share.  Honoring the memory of The Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and fight for income equality in CT

Please join us 4p  the Ct Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford.  Let’s together address our concerns to all the legislators and the governor.   This is your House:  You are needed!  See you at 4pm on May 20th at the LOB.

Moral Budget for CT