Anti Racism Discussion Group is continually working on dismantling systems that support racism and working toward the elimination of white supremacy by participating in actions locally, state-wide and nationally. Activities include reading and discussion of relevant articles and books and also the viewing films for self-education concerning history of racism and our impact. See specifics listed below. For more information contact Angie at
Regular Meeting of Anti-Racism Discussion Group: First Tuesday of Each month at 6-8pm UUCM, 328 Paddock Ave, Meriden Large Meeting Room
Up coming Anti Racism Activities:
Dedication of new Black Lives Matter banner Sunday service, October 14th 10:30am
Informational Sessions to Prepare for the installation of Black Lives Matter banner
Sunday, Sept. 23rd 12:30p-2:30pm, alternative date: Friday, Oct. 12th 6-8:00pm
These 2 hour sessions will consist of the showing of the UUA General Assembly, 2018 Ware Lecture by Brittany Packnett, who challenged listeners, “It is not enough just to ‘not be a racist’. We must expect ourselves to be actively anti-racist……” Discussion will include a time for questions about the BLM banner
UUCM, 328 Paddock Ave, Meriden in Large Meeting Room
*See blog for more Black Lives Matter banner information
Book Discussion: Small Great Things by Jodi Piccoult Sunday Oct. 28th 12:30-2:30p
A fast paced work of fiction set in New Haven, CT. detailing the journey of a black woman having to unexpectedly negotiate the criminal justice system, and confront White Supremacy. Also a liberal white woman’s eyes being open to some of the truths about racism in this country. If you want to participate in the discussion or need help finding a copy of the book, please contact