Get Informed about White Supremacy Structures in CT

“Confronting Segregation in Our CT communities”

Discussion with Civil Rights attorney, Erin Boggs, Exec Dir of Open Communities Alliance.

Sponsored by “Drinking Liberally Meriden”, Tuesday, March 10, 2020 7-10pm at Dawg House, 999 Broad Street, Meriden, CT (you don’t have to be from Meriden and don’t need to drink to attend). To RSVP: https://www,

Examining how past government policies and contemporary practices function to create CT’s extreme racial separation. Confronting the consequences of segregation, assess current legislative proposals, exploring long-term solutions.

Support Immigrant Rights and CT Protections:

Diane Szymaszak and Nancy Burton, foreground left to right

“ICE Out of Our Courts” Rally

Monday, March 9, 2020 3:30pm,

In front of CT Supreme Court Building, 231 Capitol Ave, Hartford

Sponsored by CIRA, CT Immigration Rights Alliance